Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Photography Passion

I am so excited to open this next chapter of my life.  I love photography!  Love looking at it.  Love creating it.
I have always loved to bring my camera with me and take pictures.  In high school, I wanted to take a photography class, but it was so popular that I could never register for it in time.  I was finally given a chance to take some classes in college.

I first took a film class where we were able to take pictures and then develop them myself in a dark room.  LOVED THIS CLASS!  It was frustrating at first, taking so much time to develop a picture, only to over or under expose the picture.  Even though it took some practice, I soon began to love it.  I hope to one day have my own dark room in our future house (my husband doesn't know about my little plan yet, but hopefully he won't put up too much of a fight).

The next class I was able to take was a digital photography class.  I felt a little more in my element when I first started this class.  I already knew how to use my camera and I didn't have to spend hours in the dark room to make a picture perfect.  My instructor was the same for both classes.  I was so surprised to see one of my pictures on the power point as my teacher explained the requirements for my digital photography class. It made me feel like I could actually make people happy with my pictures.

And so, the rest is history.  I am really excited to have my new camera this year.  There is a lot for me to learn and I'm excited to be able to experiment, succeed, and of course fail at times.  I hope you all enjoy my pictures!

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